
The Dollop Dish: Q&A Giveaway!

July 26, 2012

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qd8mQzcpB0&feature=context-cha Let's Play The Dollop Dish: Q&A Giveaway! It's a game I discovered (invented?) and I'm really hoping you'll all participate and convince your friends to participate too. Here's how to play: 1. Watch the video for directions! (Don't skip this step, it's only a 2 minute video) 2. Like Dollop on fb, follow dollop on twitter (@dollopgourmet), follow ME on twitter (@heathercupcakes), subscribe to my YouTube channel, connect with me on LinkedIn, email me (info@dollopgourmet.com), follow this blog, stop in the store (wow, there's a lot of ways to get ahold of me...) 3. Post a question! Post many questions! Ask ANYTHING you'd like! 4. Watch the TWO videos I post each week starting Aug 1st and continuing for the month of August, in which I'll answer THREE of your questions. If I answer YOUR question, you're a WINNER! The more questions you ask, the more chances you have to win. If multiple people ask the same question, the winner will be the FIRST person who asked. I'll be honest, always. That's a PROMISE. 5. If you WIN, send me your address so I can mail you your prize! If you don't win, just play again! I want to hear from you all and I want to mail you FREE frosting, so talk to me! Let The Dollop Dish begin! Cupcakes = Life Heather Cupcakes

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