Need ideas for new ways to consume frosting? Got ‘em. Looking for recipes that perfectly compliment each of Dollop Gourmet’s mind-blowing frostings? Done-zo. Trying to find the most effective way to make friends and influence people? Boom.
Here is your baking bible--book of all things frosting and frosting-related--filled with instructions for the most essential of all life-skills.
You obviously need this.
After her appearance on Food Network’s Cupcake Wars, thousands traveled far and wide for a bite of Heather “Cupcakes” Saffer’s delicious desserts, but it wasn’t just the warm cake they were clamoring for–they couldn’t get enough of the gourmet frostings that adorned the irresistible treats. In this book, she shares her most decadent frosting recipes, a variety of creative uses for the icings, and the memories that inspired her to concoct such extraordinary flavor combinations.
From Orange Cardamom and Strawberry Merengue to Cinnamon Whisky Buttercream and Maple Bacon, each mouthwatering spread features step-by-step instructions and tempting ideas for using the yummy creation in snacks, entrees, and cocktails. You will surprise guests with indulgent goodies swirled with rich and creamy frostings. Complete with hundreds of mouthwatering four-color photographs, The Dollop Book of Frosting shows you how to turn this ordinary cupcake topping into a show-stopping treat!
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Heather “Cupcakes” Saffer is the president and founder of Dollop Gourmet. Over the past five years, she has perfected her frosting recipes, using them to frost cupcakes for thousands of men, women, and children at her former cupcake bar, Dollop Gourmet Cupcake Creations, and at events across the country. A winner of Food Network’s Cupcake Wars, public speaker, and social media lover, Heather pushes the boundaries on what can be done with frosting (and life), and brings her infectious smile and antics online at www.dollopgourmet.com/. For a regular glimpse into Heather’s kitchen, life, and hilarious insights, check out dollopgourmet.com/. Find her everywhere as @HeatherCupcakes.
Press Inquiries directed to: info@dollopgourmet.com
Amazon.com, BN.com, Books-a-million, and Barnes & Noble. If you want the book sold at your store, email info@dollopgourmet.com!
Yes! Details will be posted right on this very website.
The wonderfully talented Matt Wittmeyer of Matt Wittmeyer Photography shot and styled (with my helping hand and creative eye) every photo of this book. It took many weeks, very long days, and lots of laughs to create the deliciousness you see on those very pages.
That’s a tough one. Although I love them all dearly, my heart belongs to my perfectly fluffy Peanut Butter Buttercream (p. 36). Great on cupcakes but even better just on a spoon.
Oh boy, this question brings back memories of sugar overload. I was craving meat and vegetables for many days after.
I have tested every single recipe in this book over and over again. Although I deeply wish I were perfect, I am not, and because of that I have found a slight error in one of the printed recipes. I sincerely hope you forgive me. On page 20, the Vanilla Cupcakes oven temperature is listed as 325 degrees and the baking time is listed as 10-12 minutes. My dears, this information was written for a commercial convection oven, not your home-based electric or gas oven. My apologies! My mind was stuck in my bakery on that one. The correct oven temperature is 350 degrees and the correct baking time is 25-30 minutes. Just keep a close eye on them in the oven, making sure they don’t brown up too much. And forgive me.
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Yes! Let’s you and I cover your town in frosting! The mayor may even give you the key to the city for it. Just send all inquiries and requests to info@dollopgourmet.com.