I'm Running Around NYC Today
December 02, 2013
Day #55? 60? (I forgot and have to check) of The 90-Day Do Something Big Project
In 30 minutes I have to be at the TV studio but right now I'm waiting for my Wolfgang Puck hotel coffee to brew.
Then straight after the TV frosting demo I'll be throwing all my stuff back into my Stanley tool chests, running back to the hotel to drop it off, and running (literally) to Sirius Radio.
All within 30 minutes. Maybe I should've trained for this.
Do you have Sirius XM Radio? Great! Listen to me at 11:30am on the Gay & Lesbian channel - channel 108!
Then at 12pm turn your dial to Road Dog Trucking - channel 128!
Hanging with the gays and the truckers--it will be quite the day.
In the meantime, check out today's
Holiday Blog Tour stop on
Lovin' From The Oven! I'm showing you how to make frosting-dipped cinnamon sticks. Seriously. Check it. Pin it. Save it. Share it. Ya know, all that good stuff.
By the way, the picture is misleading. Donald is not with me. But I miss him oh so very much.
*Need more frosting gift ideas? Follow the tour and check out my Gift Guide For Frosting Lovers!”
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