Part II Of The True Story...
December 22, 2011
Part II! You've been biting your nails in anticipation, huh? In case you missed Part I, read
this first. Well, here goes...
So what's a girl to do with an empty bank account, numerous lawsuits, time spent sitting in police stations and fielding concerned phone calls? Well, my first step was to not give up. As I've mentioned before, when I'm all in something, I'm really all in and nothing will stand in my way. I would rather eat moldy cupcakes than let this asshole win. So after the heaving sob fests and stress-induced shakes passed I began to pick myself up and fix what I let break. Yes, what I let break. For as much as this crazy immoral psychotic piece of shit took me for what I had, I had on some level allowed it to happen and I needed to live and learn and take responsibility for whatever portion was my fault.
Second step, and the most important task for me to tackle, was to figure out how to not let any of my customers down. I had massive cupcake orders that needed to be filled throughout all of this craziness and I was determined not to disappoint a single cupcake lover. My largest orders were for 400 cupcakes and 600 cupcakes due on consecutive days precisely 3 ½ weeks from said devastation. Yup. Not much time. Due to the turmoil caused by Bob Wong I decided it was best to dissolve The Cupcake Dreamery and start over from scratch. Goodbye Cupcake Dreamery... Hello Dollop! In just 3 ½ weeks I was faced with the tasks of borrowing a little bit of money, locating a new shop, getting it approved by the town board, inspected by the health department and filling the kitchen with equipment and appliances. I also needed to develop a new name, file a DBA, design a logo and website and order new business cards and brochures (thanks to Josh Currier of
NeonThoughts for help with the daunting design tasks!).
Anyways, there was much more to do but I think you get the drift. Basically, I was building a new business from scratch in just 3 ½ weeks. Yes, everyone told me I was absolutely insane and that I would never pull it off in time. By the end of the 3 ½ weeks I actually was completely insane, to be honest. However, did the orders of a collective 1000 cupcakes get baked in a certified kitchen and delivered on time? Absolutely. Without even missing a beat nor alerting the customers of the chaos behind the scenes.
Is there a moral to this story? I'm sure there is but sometimes it escapes me. All I know is that everything happens for a reason and as long as you refuse to give up, you can make anything happen for the reasons you want. I can persevere, I can be successful, I can overcome adversity. It may be cliché but if I can do it, anyone can do it. All it takes is drive, motivation, moral support of even just one person and refusal to ever, EVER throw in the towel. When I started my foray into the cupcake business I basically threw any Plan B out the window. I went all in, 100%, put every egg in the hypothetical basket, leapt from the rafters and decided there was no turning back. I've hit the lowest of lows and the highest of highs on this voyage thus far. Does that mean it's over? Hardly. I'm sure I'll hit more lows and surge back up for more highs in the months to come. My theory though is that the lowest low is better than a state of status quo and that the next highest high must be around one of these bends just as long as I keep on trucking... or cupcaking, in my case.
Cupcakes = Life
Heather Cupcakes
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