Thank You, Flu.
March 29, 2013

Dear Flu,
Thank you for knocking me on my back for a week - my bed and I got fully reacquainted.
Thank you for the detoxifying diet, if only it were bikini season today (just today).
Thank you for visiting me the week that Carson Daly was hosting the Today Show. He’s super.
Thank you for getting me off caffeine.
Thank you for teaching me to appreciate my health and empathize with others who aren’t feeling so well.
Thank you for forcing me to take a week off and appreciate the little things, like water and tissues.
Thank you for putting me on the same meds that my 86-year-old Grandma takes.
Thank you for helping me to understand how my 86-year-old grandma feels when she can barely walk.
Thank you for reaffirming that when I feel like I’ll never get better and I’m at the end of my world, that I will actually get better.
Thank you for reminding me that SpaghettiO’s were more comforting when my mom heated them up.
Thank you for keeping me inside on what is hopefully the last cold week of the year.
Thank you for rendering my brain useless, it was starting to overheat.
See flu, you had a purpose. Thanks for coming and staying, and now thank you for going away!
All my best,
Heather Cupcakes
P.S. Don't come back anytime soon, or ever.
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