
Best Of The Webs Time!

July 05, 2013

And here we are, back at the Best of the Webs already! A week certainly does fly by. I’m hoping you had a great holiday yesterday; the sun seemed to shine for most of it. Go Mr. Sun. If you noticed (which I’m sure you didn’t), I took a writing day off yesterday for no other reason than I seemed to be having an existential crisis and I couldn’t quite gather my thoughts together enough to put them here and then send them out there. Have you ever had one of these existential crises? On a scale of one to fun they’re a one; yet very much necessary. Some of my best ideas come from deep in that hole. The concept for The Dollop Book of Frosting came from deep in that hole. Almost exactly a year ago from today in fact. I was so deep in an existential crisis back then—the walls were caving in and it was getting hard to breathe. But I did breathe and kept on breathing and then the oven timer dinged with the thought, “write a book!” and the rest is history. Well, the rest is for another blog post since today is Friday and Friday is all about the awesomeness of what others are creating. So now let’s check out what existed this week in the web-o-sphere! There’s some good shit out there, mes amis. Listed in no particular order: 1. If you’re starting a business or planning to start a business or just trying to build your own “personal brand” then you must read this from Fast Company about the art of self-promotion. And yes, to do it well is truly an art. 2. I have this theory that lasting couples look like each other. Just think about the couples you know and notice the facial resemblances between the two. Take a moment. When you’re done, check out these dogs dressed like their owners. 3. If you’re a lifter this one’s for you. The sexy John Romaniello spews good advice or nonsense, depending on your stance on squatting. He’s a sexy writer so I’ll listen to him—doesn’t take much to win me. 4. And if you’re into plums (who isn’t?) then you may want to try baking this densely delicious looking cake from A Cozy Kitchen. Warning: if you do make it and don’t bring me a piece I might hate you forever. 5. All this thinking about getting a dog this week has somehow lured me deep into the ‘people combined with dogs’ photo world. The dog beard trumps the cat beard any day. 6. In case you too are in the midst of an existential crisis, here are 19 quotes to get you on through. 7. And if you’re feeling really lost this week and unsettled with your pace towards success, read this. It’ll pump you up and get you back in the groove of listening—to yourself. Have a great weekend!

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