Announcing The 90-Day Do Something Big Project
October 07, 2013
Ryan Seacrest led the count down, the sparkly ball on TV descended, our champagne glasses clinked, and I announced aloud, “This year is going to be my year.”
It was New Year’s Eve 2012. I had just closed the cupcake shop, I was in the midst of writing
The Dollop Book of Frosting, I was packing my bags for the Fancy Food Show, and
I was feeling on top of the world.
So many dreams I had for myself this year. So many expectations.
Some have come to fruition—the finding of Donald, my breathtaking trip to Portugal, the delightful reception from you of my book.
But others—the bigger dreams—have stalled.
The Dollop Frosting Line came to a screeching halt, the producer meetings for TV shows led nowhere, and the sponsorship for a book tour wasn’t funded.
And it’s hard to believe that in about 90 days the year that was going to be “my year” will be over.
I refuse to let it end on this note. I make shit happen. Heather Saffer Makes. Shit. Happen.
And I still have
90 days to do something big.
But I need your help.
I need your support, good vibes, juju, mojo, comments, shares, and most importantly—I need you to have my back.
What I’m doing is fairly unconventional—putting it all out
there, making myself vulnerable (boy do I feel vulnerable!), and inviting you along on the journey of turning my dreams into reality.
But if you don’t go after your dreams, somebody else will.
And to me, that would feel
worse than vulnerable.
So here’s the plan.
Make something big happen, in the direction of my dream, in 90 days.
Dream: Become the Sara Lee of Frosting. The Rachael Ray of frosting. The Little Debbie of Frosting!
I have this vision that my life will one day be consumed with filming my frosting TV show, consulting on new frosting flavors for stores, and launching brand partnerships, frosting apparel lines, and sweet charities.
Lofty visions. You must have them.
So this 90-day project is really pretty simple. My goal is to bridge the gap between my dreams and reality.
The bridge could be built in many forms. Getting cast on a TV show, writing another book, having a popular YouTube channel, launching an amazing product, teaming with a well-known brand, gaining legions of fans…
Everything I’ve done thus far has taken me one step closer—the cupcake shops, Cupcake Wars,
The Dollop Book of Frosting—It’s a long, curvy, and bumpy road.
But now it’s time to crank it into high gear. Crazy high gear. Big things need to happen!
I need the connections to connect, the forces to guide me forward, articles to be written, products to be invested in, deals to be struck, producers to call, people to engage!
In the next 90 days I’ll detail the steps I’m taking, setbacks I’m facing, and goals I’m setting along the way. I’ll ask for your input, opinions, guidance, and cheer.
I strongly encourage you to join me in this 90-day project by unleashing your own dream and taking the necessary steps to do something big in order to build that bridge.
As I update you on my progress, comment back and update me on yours. I’ll help you in any way I can. Power in numbers, encouragement, and accountability.
And if in 90 days we’re not any closer to achieving our dreams?
Well, that’s just not going to happen, now is it? ;)
Are you going to join me in the 90-Day Do Something Big Project?
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