How To Make Frosting Fudge Gingerbread Men
November 19, 2013
Day #47 of The 90-Day Do Something Big Project
Yesterday I began a contest!
So far no one has entered it.
I know I’m not supposed to tell you this, rather I’m supposed to pretend it’s a super popular contest and I’m super popular and everything I touch turns to gold. Or sugar. Or whatever you want to believe.
But no one has entered my contest yet. And it hurts my feelings.
Not really but it does make me happier when people participate in the fun things I plan.
In truth, I just want to see your dogs posing with my book. It’s a pretty selfish motive to hold a contest but I reason that you get something out of it too. You get to see a whole lotta dogs posing with books! Which in theory, is quite hilarious. (If anyone even participates, that is.)
Plus at the end I’ve decided to choose one of the furry entrants to receive a gift! That’s right, I will mail you a gift. What’s the gift, you’re wondering? (I know you. You want to make sure it’s worth the effort of buying my book and posing your dog.)
But you know what? I’m not going to tell you. Nope. It’s a surprise.
I know—you hate surprises.
So now that you’re dying to enter my newfound contest you’re just waiting for me to tell you how to, aren’t you? Well luck is in your favor today because
I made a whole page with all the details right here.
And if nobody enters, I’m keeping my surprise to myself.
*If you’re confused and can’t figure out what’s going on between this wacky Holiday Blog Tour and now a contest with a surprise, and the
The Dollop Book of Frosting, and the
People magazine and such and I’m just losing you—I apologize. Sometimes, this brain of mine, it scatters.
Today I’m guesting over on Hayley’s blog, The Domestic Rebel!
Hayley is cute and quirky and you’ll absolutely love her.
And for Hayley I created these Frosting Fudge Gingerbread Men!

Frosting + Fudge + Gingerbread = Little sweet men
They're super simple to make, super cute, and just super super. I brought some to the lady's lifting session on Saturday and the girls can attest--Frosting Fudge Gingerbread Men rule the world.
Head on over to The Domestic Rebel for the recipe!
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