
My iPhone Photo Dump

September 06, 2013

I'm at a loss for words today. Sometimes that happens to writers/bloggers. Don't judge me. Since I'm at a loss for words I've decided to turn to the next best thing. Pictures! (I love words more than pictures. Who's with me on this?) I've seen around the interwebs this thing called "photo dumping" where you post a random assortment of photos from your phone that never made it onto twitter, instagram, or facebook. Tina on Carrots 'n' Cake, Kristin on Rage Against The Minivan, and Lauren on Lauren's Latest all rocked the photo dump this summer. So now here's an assortment of what's on my iPhone (drumroll, please). A news crew came to my house to interview me about The Dollop Book of Frosting: Sweet and Savory Icings, Spreads, Meringues, and Ganaches for Dessert and Beyond. See those lights? Those are my own because I'm such a pro (ha!). photo 1 (7)                 This was Donald's 3rd version of his bio in the shelter where I met him. First he was a Pekinese named was Buddy, then he was a poodle named Donald, and finally he was a corgi named Scottie. photo 2 (5)                     And here's the first moment Donald got into my Fiat to come home. That smile! photo 3 (5)                     Donald meeting the roommate for the first time! Look at that tail going. photo 4 (4)                     It was a long first day. photo 5 (2)                 And before Donald, other life things happened. Such as these care packages I put together for my publisher to send out to the media. Did you receive one? (Why my TV remote is hiding in there, I have no idea.) photo 1 (8)     I took a picture of these sexy shoes asking Cass if she wanted them because she's a high heel lover. She didn't reply. I bought them years ago at some high-priced store for an event and then I tried walking in them and it really wasn't pretty. So they've never been worn. photo 2 (6)   This is a semi-embarrassing confession: I sometimes take photos of myself in an outfit to decide whether or not I like it because I don't trust the image I see of myself in the mirror. And my bedroom is entirely undecorated. photo 3 (6)   I was going to sell this on Ebay (I have SO much stuff I want to get rid of) but then Ebay felt like a major hassle so this photo is still on my wall. photo 5 (3)   The first bookshelf I've seen The Dollop Book of Frosting on! Fancy shelving, huh? Designed by my friend Jason for my friend Matt's photography studio. photo 5 (4)   Remember when I went to Portugal and Spain last month? Here's some of the photos you didn't get to see. My mom found a baby while we were sitting outside our hotel in Porto. I didn't even know my mom liked babies! photo 3 (7)   This was the view outside my hotel window in Porto. The sky was always that amazing. photo 4 (5)   Albino was my favorite server on the river cruise. He took amazing care of me and brought me gluten-free bread and dessert every night. photo 2 (7)   Some of the bridges were so low that we had to hit the deck. I tried to teach everyone this song from my youth but I always ended up being the only one singing. photo 1 (9)   At the market in Salamanca, Spain. I felt like they were talking to me. photo 2 (8)   The Cruise Ship Manager and head chef dragged me up on stage to do a "frosting" demonstration with ricotta cheese and olive oil. I look confident but I think my face turned red. photo 1 (10)   And lastly, my mom and I bridging Spain and Portugal. That river in the background is the border for the two countries. I can't remember the last time I held my mom's hand. I also can't believe she took me on such an incredible trip. Greatest. Mom. Ever. photo 3 (8)   I didn't even realize the past month of my life was so centered around Donald and Europe until I went through these photos. Surprising what you can learn through your own phone. Well, have a great weekend! Remember, next week starts The Dollop Book of Frosting Blog Tour with giveaways! Hopefully over the weekend I'll rediscover my words. What kind of photo's would be in your photo dump?

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