

The 3 Things I want You To Know About Overcoming Adversity

August 22, 2013

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12 Truths About Blogging

August 21, 2013

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5 Steps To Perfect Frosting

August 20, 2013

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The 3 Things I Want You To Know About Being A Cupcake Entrepreneur

August 19, 2013

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10 Things A New Dog Owner Must Have According To The Internet

August 16, 2013

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Top 3 Frosting Must-Haves For Back-To-School

August 15, 2013

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What It's Like To See Your Book For The 1st Time

August 14, 2013

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My Top 10 Favorite Dollop Book of Frosting Recipes

August 13, 2013

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Pre-Order The Dollop Book of Frosting for a chance to win a Frosting T-Shirt

August 12, 2013

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10 Things I've Learned About Myself While In Europe

August 09, 2013

Wifi is spotty on the ship so I can only connect sporatically and at times that we are docked; which is once or twice a day max.

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Why The Dollop Book of Frosting Is A Great Addition To Your Cookbook Library

August 07, 2013

How many cookbooks do you have? 5? 10? 20? More? Could your kitchen rival the cookbook section at your local Barnes & Noble?

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My Favorite Frosting Memory

August 06, 2013

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I Must Confess--I'm An Introvert

August 05, 2013

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A Look Into My Gluten-Free Dessert Eating

August 01, 2013

Recently, I've gone gluten-free; but I most certainly have not gone dessert-free.

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5 Cookbooks For People Who Would Rather Be Baking

July 31, 2013

Why aren’t baking cookbooks called ‘bakebooks’? Yeah, I don’t know why either.

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Frozen Frosting Spoons - Recipe!

July 30, 2013

Don’t even think of tossing that perfectly delectable yellow frosting out. That would be frosting abuse.

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A Peek Into My Carry-On Bag

July 29, 2013

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Frosting T-shirts Are Here!!

July 26, 2013

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Why Pedicures Aren't My Thing

July 25, 2013

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What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Passion

July 24, 2013

Our passions are the true phoenixes; when the old one is burnt out, a new one rises from its ashes. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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4 New Coping Strategies For Fear

July 23, 2013

“It takes a very narcissistic person to think that his plane is going to crash.” – man sitting next to me on a plane once.

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Why I'm Afraid Of (Having) Children

July 22, 2013

Yesterday I held a baby. I didn’t want to hold the baby. I was terrified that I would drop the baby.

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Best Of The Webs Friday!

July 19, 2013

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4 Best Books This Year

July 18, 2013

After writing for 13 hours yesterday I’m having a massive moment of writer’s block.

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